
Gender Equality

Ways that Karuna is Working to Overcome Gender Inequality in South Asia


The consequences of gender inequality in India, Nepal and Bangladesh can be devastating for women and girls, leading to abuse, exclusion, trafficking and, in extreme cases, death. Across South Asia, gender inequality is prevalent and widespread due to long-entrenched cultural norms, meaning that women and girls are marginalised from society, losing out on access to education, economic opportunities, legal protection and safety from violence and trafficking.

Menstrual Exile: The Dangers of Chhaupadi in Nepal and What it Means for Women and Girls

Menstrual exile refers to a range of discriminatory practices that impact the lives of many women and girls across South Asia today. Due to local traditions and stigmas, women and girls are discriminated against during their menstruation period. They are excluded from their communities, including their own homes, schools and workplaces. 

The effects of menstrual exile are far-reaching, obstructing women and girls’ access to education, healthcare, community, and even the safety of their own homes. Chhaupadi is a severe and dangerous form of menstrual exile that is still prevalent across many poor, rural communities in Nepal, affecting the lives and opportunities of the women and girls who live there.

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