

A collective working together to effectively prevent violence against women in India

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Jan Sahas and 12 network partner organisations

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Gender Equality


32 Districts in 10 States

Safe menstruation instead of stigmatisation in Western Nepal

What are the challenges?

Dalit and Adivasi women are disproportionately likely to be victims of sexualised violence and at the same time have the least chance of accessing justice. Because perpetrators are rarely held accountable, Dalit and Adivasi women are considered “easy targets” for sexualised violence and other crimes. In rural areas, government social and legal services for these women are extremely limited, and government “one-stop crisis centres” often do not function. They are also rarely supported by their families, if they can even decide to report rape. Women’s rights organisations often lack the legal expertise to provide targeted support to survivors of violence.

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What is the aim of the project?

Affected women receive social and legal support. Self-help structures are strengthened and women’s rights organisations network and work more effectively. Advocacy work and public awareness-raising contribute to women being able to live free of violence, with equal rights and in legal security. Young men begin to question the status quo and support equality and freedom from violence for all.

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What are the main activities?

  • Psycho-social and legal support for victims of sexual violence.
  • Raising awareness among male adolescents and young men and training them as multipliers. 
  • Training of representatives of public authorities such as One-Stop-Centres, police, courts, public prosecutors, and lawyers on how to deal appropriately with traumatised women.
  • Networking and training of women’s rights organisations
  • Further training for 100 barefoot lawyers working for women’s rights.
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