

Violence-free Schools - reducing inequality

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BH Amravati

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Gender Equality


Amravati, Maharashtra

Violence free schools

What are the challenges?

Gender-based violence and discrimination against women and girls is widespread in India. In order to move towards greater gender equality it’s not enough just to work with women. Male attitudes also need to change so that men start to  understand how greater gender equality might benefit them too. At the same time, it is necessary to help women and girls to build their skills and confidence so they can challenge discrimination and violence. 

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What is the aim of the project?

This project works equally with boys and their fathers, as well as girls and their mothers to challenge traditional gender attitudes. There is a particular focus on school age children, whose attitudes will do most to shape future gender norms.

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What are the main activities?

  • Sensitisation of teachers, adolescent boys, and fathers to understand the normalised discrimination and violence against girls and women
  • Strengthening of adolescent girls and sensitisation of mothers so that they become confident to fight for their rights and wellbeing 
  • Building ‘violence-free schools’ where all students feel safe and equally supported
  • Adolescent girls from particularly vulnerable backgrounds stay in a high-quality residential hostel where they live safely and are supported to achieve their educational goals.
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